New. Music Coming... Itodo John

Press. Release

OASEMUZIK... Please can we meet you Sir?

My name is Itodo John and I'm a graduate of Zoology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi. 

OASEMUZIK... You have spent most of your life with orphans at gidan bege. How has been your experience growing up?

Growing up and working with Orphans has been an explosive experience as I've seen first hand the unfailing nature of God in supplies, healing, direction and sustenance. 

OASEMUZIK... How did you find yourself in the music ministry?

Music has always been a passion and has always had a huge place in my heart. The song "God all by yourself" is dedicated to God in appreciation of how extravagant His love has been.

OASEMUZIK... We are delighted to produce this great song. Thank you Sir.

23rd June is the date!

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